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Aug 10, 2017

A new “Previews” catalog on the doorstep means another glimpse into the comics future! Joined this month by The DC3cast’s own Vince Ostrowski, Mike & Greg kick things off in the Green section, that catch-all area covering roughly ¾ of comics publishers. What books hitting stores in October caught their fancy? Atari Force! Rugrats! Fighting American! Fantomah! Danzig’s Verotik! Hesse’s Diesel! Futchi Perf! AKIRA hardcovers! Kim & Kim! The Archies (& a hungry Jughead)! JAIME HERNANDEZ STUDIO EDITION! All that, plus Sophie Goldstein’s followup to “The Oven”, some Black Mask talk, publishing identity through license acquisition, and Vince breaks your hosts’ hearts in the most Minnesota Nice-way possible. Definitely something for everyone in the top half of this two-part “Previews” walkthrough!

Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. This episode is brought to you by Third Eye Comics. Enjoy your funny books.