Apr 30, 2018
Picks for
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Mike- Tank
Girl: Full Color Classics 1988-1989 #1 & S.H.I.E.L.D.
Rebirth #1
Greg- Milk &
Cheese: Dairy Products Gone Bad TPB & Zero Hour: A
Crisis in Time HC
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Mike & Greg point out what’s hitting shelves they're most excited about! These...
Apr 26, 2018
With Mike on vacation, Greg brings in some of the newer members to the Multiversity family and asks them their thoughts on how 2018 has been going from the comics and comics culture perspective. Carrying over from last week are Kate Kosturski (MC social media manager), Kevin Gregory (host of Make Mine Multiversity) and...
Apr 23, 2018
Picks for
Wednesday, April 25th, 2018
Matt- Deep
Roots #1 & The Prisoner #1
Crossroad Blues OGN & Aliens: Dust to
Dust #1 (of 4)
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Mike & Greg point out what’s hitting shelves they're most excited about! These weekly Pull List episodes are the perfect way to kick...
Apr 19, 2018
With Mike on vacation, Greg brings in some of the newer members to the Multiversity family and asks them their thoughts on how 2018 has been going from the comics and comics culture perspective. Carrying over from the previous episode are Kate Kosturski (MC social media manager), Kevin Gregory (host of Make Mine...
Apr 16, 2018
Picks for
Wednesday, April 18th, 2018
Matt- Black Hammer:
Age of Doom
Kate- Skyward
Kevin- Action Comics #1000
Greg- The
Originals HC
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Mike & Greg point out what’s hitting shelves they're most excited about! These weekly Pull List episodes are the perfect way to...