May 31, 2016
For today's episode Mike is joined by cartoonist Rich Tommaso to talk about his recently concluded series "Dark Corridor" as well as the forthcoming "She Wolf," both from the folks at Image Comics. The discussion kicks off with a little bit about Rich's approach to his art and his shift between the two series. And, of course, there's a little bit of dipping into Rich's back catalog as the discussion turns to creative inspiration, self-publishing, finding his way to Image, and a whole lot more. The complete collection of "Dark Corridor" and "She Wolf" #1 will both be available on June 22nd.
Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. This episode is brought to you by Third Eye Comics. Enjoy your funny books.