Apr 20, 2017
Another “Previews” in the pullbox means another look into our comics future! This first half of our expanded “Previews” coverage focuses on the catalog’s Green section, the back half that just so happens to cover about 75% of comics publishers. What upcoming June 2017 releases catch Mike & Greg’s fancy? Lawless! Fukitor! Bongo compendiums! Laureline (and Valerian)! Petals and pigs and pins (Oh My!)! Swordquest! All that, plus Archie’s Spider-Man, the publishing venture called “Europe Comics”, time traveling back to the Planet of the Apes, GWAR, the John McCrea Mutual Admiration Society, where in the world Sonic the Hedgehog could be, and much more! Definitively something for everyone in this top half of our two-part “Previews” walkthrough!
Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at RobotsFromTomorrow.com. You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. This episode is brought to you by Third Eye Comics. Enjoy your funny books.