Sep 28, 2020
Picks for
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein & Cockrum OS & Shang-Chi
#1 (of 5)
Greg- X-Men:
Marvels Snapshot OS & Jay and Miles X-Plain The
X-Men #308
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Greg & guest co-host Johnny Hall point out the books hitting shelves on Wednesday...
Sep 21, 2020
Picks for
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Johnny- X of
Swords: Creation OS & Black Hammer: Library
Edition, vol. 2 HC
Greg- Doom Patrol:
Weight of the Worlds TPB & Essential Judge
Dredd: America TPB
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Greg & guest co-host Johnny Hall point out the books hitting shelves on...
Sep 14, 2020
Picks for
Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
Detective Comics #1027 & Royal City: The Complete
Collection HC
Slaughterhouse Five OGN & Chasin' The
Bird OGN
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Greg & guest co-host Brian Salvatore point out the books hitting shelves on Wednesday they're most excited...
Sep 7, 2020
Picks for
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Brian- Dark
Nights: Death Metal - Trinity Crisis OS & Vlad
Dracul #3 (of 3)
Greg- Bill &
Ted Are Doomed #1 (of 4) & True
Believers: Greycrow OS
Need suggestions for your LCS trip this week? Let Greg & guest host Brian point out the books hitting shelves on Wednesday they're most...