Jul 29, 2015
In 1970, DC proclaimed, “The Great One Is Coming!” And they were right! Jack “The King” Kirby went across the street from Marvel to the Distinguished Competition and hit their publishing line like an atomic bomb. The New Gods! Mister Miracle! The Forever People! The Demon! Omac! But few of them had the specific...
Jul 27, 2015
Welcome to Robots From Tomorrow! For this episode the guys have picked a couple of comics that will be hitting shelves this week and talk about why they're excited to read them. Clocking in at around 15 minutes, this bite-sized audio nugget is the perfect companion for any Wednesday Warrior!
Picks for Wednesday, July...
Jul 22, 2015
While sorting through the digital bric-a-brac that litters the subterranian RFT recording studio, we came across something very special buried deep on a harddrive. Back in December 2011, the one and only Jack Davis was the guest of honor at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics festival. Fantagraphics had just released...
Jul 20, 2015
Welcome to Robots From Tomorrow! For this episode the guys have picked a couple of comics that will be hitting shelves this week and talk about why they're excited to read them. Clocking in at around 15 minutes, this bite-sized audio nugget is the perfect companion for any Wednesday Warrior!
Picks for Wednesday, July...
Jul 16, 2015
We've got a pair of pairs on the show today, as Greg managed to not only snag some time with two of DC Comics' finest in Greg Capullo & Scott Snyder, but also unearthed an unreleased talk with Atomic Robo co-creators Scott Wegener & Brian Clevinger from back in 2013. While the date on that second conversation might be a...